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목록feature (6)

Matter :: Concentration Measurement Clusters The server cluster provides an interface to concentration measurement functionality. This cluster SHALL to be used via an alias to a specific substance (see Cluster IDs). 일산화탄소, 이산화탄소, 이산화질소, 오존, 미세먼지(PM1, PM2.5, PM10), 포름알데히드, 총휘발성유기화합물(TVOC), 라돈 등 다양한 종류의 대기오염물질의 농도 측정 센서를 위한 클러스터 1. Classification Hierarchy Role Scope PICS Code Base Application End..

Matter :: Fan Control Cluster This cluster specifies an interface to control the speed of a fan. 모터 등으로 회전하는 '팬' 기기의 속도 제어를 위한 클러스터 선풍기, 환풍기, 에어서큘레이터, 에어컨 등 다양한 종류의 디바이스에 적용할 수 있다 1. Classification Hierarchy Role Scope PICS Code Base Application Endpoint FAN 2. Identifier Identifier Name 0x0202 Fan Control 3. Features Bit Code Feature Summary 0 SPD MultiSpeed 1-100 speeds Legacy Fan Control clus..

Matter :: Administrator Commissioning Cluster This cluster is used to trigger a Node to allow a new Administrator to commission it. It defines Attributes, Commands and Responses needed for this purpose. For the management of Operational Credentials and Trusted Root Certificates, the Node Operational Credentials cluster is used. 1. Classification Hierarchy Role Context PICS Code Base Utility Node..

Mater :: Color Control Cluster This cluster provides an interface for changing the color of a light. Color is specified according to the Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage (CIE) specification CIE 1931 Color Space. Color control is carried out in terms of x,y values, as defined by this specification. Additionally, color MAY optionally be controlled in terms of color temperature, or as hue a..

Matter :: Level Control Cluster This cluster provides an interface for controlling a characteristic of a device that can be set to a level, for example the brightness of a light, the degree of closure of a door, or the power output of a heater. 밝기 변경 가능한 조명, 출력 조정 가능한 히터 등 단계별로 제어 가능한 디바이스를 위한 클러스터 PWM 제어를 위한 주파수(frequency) 어트리뷰트도 존재하나, 아직 정식으로 릴리즈되지는 않았다 (1.0 기준) 1. Classification Hierarchy Rol..

Matter :: On/Off Cluster Attributes and commands for turning devices on and off. 조명, 콘센트(outlet), 팬(fan) 등 다양한 디바이스의 전원/동작 상태를 켜고 끄는 데 사용되는 클러스터 거의 모든 종류의 엔드포인트의 하위 클러스터로 포함된다 1. Classification Hierarchy Role PICS Code Primary Transaction Base Application OO Type 1 (client → server) 2. Identifier Identifier PICS Code Name 0x0006 OO On/Off 3. Features 3.1. Bit 0: Level Control for Lighting Bit Co..